
Heart, felt

Everything's better with pinked edges.

Tied up

Little blank notebooks, stitched together from cardboard reclaimed from the recycling pile and recycled newsprint. Then stamped with a linoleum block and topped with a crayon, smelted into a tidy little heart. The yarn is mostly just to keep the books from all flying open and crumpling agains each other in transit from home to school.

"Put your finger there"

Having an assistant (or two, when you're trying to take a picture) is vital in the creation a neat little bow.

Hearts and hearts

The first one done, serving a fine example for a couple dozen more to come.


The adults in the house have both come down with whatever it was that the two children of the house were sniffling through last week. So when The Boy repeately came down from what was obviously not a very productive naptime, and I shooed him away with orders to quietly occupy himself, I was really just hoping for a few moments to sulk in feverish peace. What he came back to me with was a quick and dirty valentine. So I put it up next to the nightstand and let him jump on the bed while I folded some laundry.


On Fridays, when the kids are mercifully entrusted in the care of Montessori-preaching professionals, and my own crafty projects are under control if not all wrapped up, I sometimes trek up to the chinese restaurant and then to coffee shop where I might get in a spot of writing or reading or whatever. Other times, like today, it feels much cozier to just stay in and spend some quality time with the pinking shears.

Woolen heart canibalism

is what it's called when you cut up into woolen confetti the bits of wool felt left over from cutting out the heart shapes and then feed it to the hearts.