I don't know how we, as geeky parents, let it get to this late stage without screening Star Wars for The Boy. But enough of his classmates have been spreading the good word on sci-fi/superhero super-awesomeness that he's already on a first name basis with characters like Yoda and C-3PO and Iron Man and Optimus Prime. So ignoring the morning dishes, I popped in Episode IV (not ready to expose him to the likes of Jar Jar Binks just yet, thank you very much) and sat down to some needlework and the Boy's clarifying questions, mostly involving the goodness or badness of the characters. And what did the hairy one just say? And what is a Jedi? And what kind of a thing is Jabba? And those guys are just pretending to be bad, right? I hadn't remembered it being such a long movie.