Faced with some scheduling challenges of the work/ school/ volunteer gig/ partner out of town realm, it made the most sense for me to haul The Boy into the office with me for a couple hours this afternoon. My entertainment arsenal stockpiled with books and snacks and homework, he, of course, opted to spend the entirety of his 2-hour work stint boning up on his iPad chess skills. His candy-blue headphones spared us office-folk from the clamor of it all.
are days of the year
2012: Jan 27
2012: Jan 26
Last week's introduction of homemade gyoza (or potstickers or dumplings or whatever you choose to call your meat-filled pocket of goodness) to the family table repertoire went so gut-bustingly well that The Boy demanded a repeat on this week's menu. When your kids cram that much food into their mouths without threat of demerits, you know you're on to something good.
2012: Jan 25
In the fall we tossed bulbs into the dirt by the fistful. After the great thaw (should all be gone by the morning) we discovered some early risers popping up. And I'll be damned if I can remember what varieties we planted where.
2012: Jan 24
As soon as I can tear myself away from my fiddly little hexagons (while continuing to ignore more pressing projects still on my list), I've got a few other things to occupy my free time.
2012: Jan 23
Low-hanging art makes for easy prey for a toddler. Two frames down. Luckily, Ikea frames are inexpensive and available by the dozen.
2012: Jan 22
Forgotten remnants from projects passed have been revisited and cropped down to one and a half inch hexagons, a lovely size for highligting and abstracting.
2012: Jan 21
Mid-thaw and the birds descended upon our lone winter berry yielding shrub. I'm as clueless about avian species as I am about botanical genuses. All I know is there were about a dozen of them all flitting about the few low branches until Bear's banging on the french doors spooked them off.