Solstice, apparently, during which I idly took in an inane conversation at work about whether it was indeed today that is the longest of the year, or some point midway through the summer. It reached up into the balmy mid-70s today, not hot, exactly. But a rare enough warmth to get everyone, in the University District bisected by my bus, out in shorts and sundresses and scraps of fabric that I probably wouldn't have deemed fit for body coverage. At home, the kids were getting themselves tucked into their too-hot attic bedroom, The Boy insisting he needed more blankets, and Bear being warned not to remove her pants and diaper for the third night in a row. Afterwards, in between interruptions of the kids coming down for one last bathroom visit and to nurse head-wounds incurred from rigorous pre-bedtime play, the Mr. describes their post-dinner recreation of flower-gathering in the backyard. Summer's going to be good, here.