Happy Lunar New Year. Or Tet or Chinese New Year or whatever you want to call it. Because, you know, it's not just the Chinese that abide, albeit selectively, by this calendar. Normally, I'd be seething with an intense bitterness everytime I heard mention of "Chinese New Year" (kind of like the whole "Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas" war, which I also normally gear up for). And there were certainly times today (I'm looking at you, Seattle Facebook page) that set my teeth grinding just a little. But I found that I just don't really care so much this year. Maybe because I haven't really done anything to acknowledge the day. But my mom sent a package with treats and, of course, the little red envelopes, so those were passed around and sampled and tucked into the special new year's treat tray (yes, it exists, usually to hold months-old Halloween candy). And instead of a tirade against the whole "Chinese" thing, I'll just leave you with this funny little tidbit. While you go on merrily wishing each other much happiness in this year of the rabbit, we contrarian Vietnamese will instead hold up the cat as the year's mascot. Fine by me, because I've always thought rabbits were freaky looking. They've got crazy-bit heads.