2012: Feb 12

Picked up a few sheets worth of little stickers for little Valentines and couldn't resist giving the bendy man a face. Apparently, it's a happy one.

2012: Feb 11

Is it too much to say that I'm over-the-moon in love with the Valentines The Boy and I worked up this year? Labor intensive as they sometimes were (I mean, what possessed me to have us press our own paper pulp seed pucks?), the end product kicks some serious Valentine ass. If I do say so myself. And, finishing them up this afternoon, The Boy put his shoelace-tying skills to some practical use.

2012: Feb 10

These little hearts, like the similarly felt hearts I made up last year, are just so precious I want to gather them all up and nuzzle them against my cheek. Or a more likely scenario: I'm so frazzled with all the V-day makings that I shove them into Bear's little hands to just get rid of them already.

2012: Feb 9

Battling a doozy of a cold, I somehow managed to crank up the Valentine production to the point where it all seems feasible. Almost.

2012: Feb 8

My set of letterpress cookie cutters were pulled into rotation this morning. Using the sugar cookie recipe on the box (swapping out items for non-allergenic items, of course), I didn't quite get to the entire alphabet. But I did manage to stamp out the elements to spell out our names.

2012: Feb 7

Yesterday's felt, now a little less.

2012: Feb 6

Feeling woefully underprepared for Valentine's Day, I unrumpled my assortment of wool felts and commenced with strategy-forming.