
I believe I've said before that I'm a sucker for cute little novelty plant(er)s. I fished this one out of my stocking Christmas morning and cracked it open later that day. The instructions said to keep it out of direct sunlight. An east-facing windowsill in a Seattle winter should do the trick. All that's left to do is forget to water it.


After tucking Bear into her morning nap, I instructed The Boy to find something quiet to do while I took my shower. I came out to find he'd built himself a little house out of his spankin' new Lego set. Wait, can something with only two walls and a free-standing door be considered a house?


Another thing recently hung on the wall. We have a long-standing tradition of hanging cat-centric art at cat-centric heights. And Bear has a long-standing tradition of making things that were straight less so.


When I arrived at work this morning I found it odd that lights were on in some of the offices despite the lack of people in them. Then I got to my own desk and realized that the light was actually the sunshine blasting through the windows. Such is the miracle of a rare sunny morning at my desk.


We finally, after nearly six months in this house, are getting around to hanging art. In some cases, that includes getting art framed. This little item, purchased as we were packing up our Houston lives, was just unboxed and fitted into a store-bought shadowbox. The art instructed us to display on the mantle, so that's where it sits. Who are we to argue with art?


Taking down all the holiday decorations. Part 1: pack decorations neatly into boxes, sorted by type and size, and take them down to the basement for cold, cold storage. Part 2: gather, one by one, all the items we missed and put them in the "oops, we forgot one more thing" pile.