LED tealights in a watering can on our front porch, where they were tossed after retreival from the trio of pumpkins that were put out with the compost.
Voted. Then sent The Mr. out for something sweet.
We have two, yes two, unassembled cardstock pinhole camera kits. I know this because, while tidying up the office a bit, I made a small pile of all the unassembled kits at my disposal, and there they were. Two unassembled pinhole camera kits.
Pencils composed from recycled newspaper bits make for very intersting shavings, indeed.
By the time Halloween rolled around, that pumpkin on the back porch, the one the squirrels had been having their way with, had gotten so gross as to be too gross for Halloween. And now we're counting down the days til trash day when we can put this halfway composted grossness out with the rest of the yard compostables.
Heart-shaped leaf covered in last night's rain on the sidewalk as we were coming home from the morning kindergarten drop-off.
What, you've never seen a homemade slingshot before?