Spring rolls are among the dinner table staples that the kids took their time coming around to. But, always knowing they would eventually come around to the meal (there's no part of this that doesn't involve manhandling the food, and reaching across the table and over laps for more papers and tofu and dipping access — what's not to love?) we persevered and included it in our repertoire. And now, of course, it's a favorite, though early attempts at spring roll assembly inevitably end in messy but delicious failure.
2012: Apr 11
2012: Apr 10
For a look-see, I held up the shaft of the Kid's goodie-bag toy telescope, and then turned it around for an anti-telescopic effect.
2012: Apr 9
It's a stitchy sampler of sorts, taking the form of what I hope will soon be a scarf.
2012: Apr 8
The impromptu pipe cleaner bubble wands and bubble solution I made up to lure the kids outside on a day that otherwise saw The Boy curled up feverishly on the couch was perhaps not terribly effective bubble-wise. But they did the job in the get-their-butts-outdoors department.
2012: Apr 7
To be quite honest here, I have completely forgotten what our line is on the Easter Bunny. Does he come traipsing through with baskets full of goodies, leaving egg hiding to the homeowners? Or does he take our pre-decorated eggs and mischievously tuck them into odd corners to make for Easter morning mayhem? I may have fumbled the details a bit as I laid out the rules for Easter morning wake-up to the kids. That was the hard part. The easy part came later, being the hiding of the eggs, which, in some cases, were not very hidden at all.
2012: Apr 6
On my walk home from school I happened upon the skeletal remains of a leaf, it's innards evoking a street map of some weather-worn european metropolis.
2012: Apr 5
Moments after the seventeenth unexpected hailstorm of the season dispensed its last frozen nugget on our deck, the sky cleared up again, making way for glorious toddler-cycling up and down our block.