2012: Mar 28

I had a couple dozen downtown minutes to myself waiting for the opportunity to chaperone preschoolers to a Ye Olde Shoppe of buggy things sort of place. And for entertainment I had a just-finished book and my phone, which, with its camera and games and internet-trawling capabilities, takes care of all my low-brow diversional needs.

2012: Mar 27

If salad salads were as pretty as fruit salads, I might be tempted to eat them more.

2012: Mar 26

Legos, in their natural state. Other times, they're cascading out of backpack pockets or getting knocked around by unsuspecting feet or assembled into towering weaponizations. But mostly, they can be found in a pile, waiting to be put away.

2012: Mar 24

We rarely have eggs in the house. But for a the past couple of weeks we've been nursing a six pack I'd picked up for houseguests. I have little stomach for boiled eggs, hard or soft, these days, but when I was little, man did I love myself an egg soaked in a salty stew. The Mr., having just discovered this ovate umami-ness, is all over the taste sensation achieved by tossing an egg with a splash of soy sauce.

2012: Mar 23

There really wasn't enough day today to start a project and finish it, too. But having an excuse to spend another day playing with bookbinding materials is really not a bad thing.

2012: Mar 22

Those balloons from the other night got the papier mache treatment today, a day when our one-thing-at-a-time kitchen was not required for food preparation (dinner out = craft cooking). Previous years, you might recall, have had us shopping for those wooden eggs for easterly decorating. But I feel that's run its course, and I really don't know what I'd do with another dozen wooden eggs knocking around these parts. And I already had the balloons stashed in a drawer. So papier mache seemed like a good way to go, although deviating from the familiar craft routes always leaves me with the is-this-going-to-be-total-disaster pre-regrets. But Bear stumbled down from her nap to find me elbow-deep in my cooked-up paste of flour and water and newspaper strips with a dozen slathered mini-ballons strung up to dry, and she simultaneously demanded a cup of milk and one of the eggs. So I'll call it an early success.

2012: Mar 21

The last two girl scout cookies of the season. Kind of glad to see them go. I don't have the resolve to resist these kinds of things.